Lease agreement attorney Joseph Knape has been working with business owners, developers, entrepreneurs and commercial property management individuals specifically on lease agreements for over 6 years. His experience not only focuses on making sure both parties are protected but also allows flexibility within the lease period for modifications, amendments, termination, and breach. The main goals of the client become the main goals of the 850-CALL-JOE Law Firm.
When you are struggling with the terms of a lease and wonder how you ever got yourself into that position it probably feels awkward and strange. The primary purpose of any business deal is for both parties to feel like they got the benefit of the bargain. In lease agreements it can be difficult when unexpected circumstances arise. Residential leases and tenancies fall into a separate section of the website. In business transactions there may be a lease on equipment or a license for a particular product or service.
Attorney Joe Knape has worked on commercial leases for property and franchise agreements for different business law clientele. Joe is straightforward knowledgeable experienced and ready to listen about your case in a free confidential initial consultation.